About me

Greetings! I'm Tristan, Co-founder and CTO of Userled.io. Prior to Userled, I served as a backend developer and team lead at American Express, where I focused on scaling internal payment infrastructures. I co-founded Revive with Yann, aiming to connect tech professionals with mentors and job opportunities during the pandemic. At Nate.tech, I led the development of a universal shopping platform.

Outside of work, I enjoy gliding, surfing, and exploring London 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

What Drives Me

My passion lies in building great products with a dedicated team and creating value for customers. I founded Userled to seize a significant market opportunity and unlock the potential in people, ideas, and businesses.

Working with Me

I thrive on focus and collaboration. While I protect my time for deep work, I'm always open to discussions and feedback. I believe in asynchronous communication for status updates and non-critical conversations. Feel free to Slack me for quick responses, and don’t hesitate to interrupt if it's urgent.