Journey Analytics

Similarly to the Userled dashboard, the journey dashboard display the growth and CRM insights - this time at a journey level. However, it also journey analytics at an experience level. For example, a journey composed of 1 in-page experience and 1 retargeting overlay experience will show:


From here, you can see how much of the total leads generated is due to each of the experiences. Moreover, you can check the performance of your A/B testing - here, for example, Experience A generates 60% more potential leads than experience B for the same number of traffic.

For analytics purposes, you may want to rename experiences so that you know what data you are looking at. This can easily done on the top-left hand side of the screen in the dedicated experience builder.

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In the same way, you can rename journeys in the top-left of the journey builder, or directly on the journey dashboard

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Edit Journey & other Actions


At the top of the journey dashboard, you will find controls to manage your journey. The Edit journey button redirects you to the journey builder to make any changes you deem necessary, while the Action button allows you to: